

Our Specialties

Pediatrics Gastroenterology

Our pediatric gastroenterology unit offers specialized care for the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and pancreas of children from infancy through adolescence. We focus on addressing key diseases, including acute diarrhea, persistent vomiting, gastritis, and developmental issues within the gastric tract, ensuring comprehensive treatment from early infancy through eighteen years of age.




Ali Hasan Saeed

Pediatrics Gastroenterology

Specialist Physician

Ali Hasan Saeed

Pediatrics Gastroenterology

Specialist Physician


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Experience Years:

26 years

Amer Masaud Abdullah Azaz

Pediatrics Gastroenterology

Consultant Physician

Amer Masaud Abdullah Azaz

Pediatrics Gastroenterology

Consultant Physician


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Experience Years:

34 years

Mohamad Iqbal Saleh Oqlah Miqdady

Pediatrics Gastroenterology

Division Chief

Mohamad Iqbal Saleh Oqlah Miqdady

Pediatrics Gastroenterology

Division Chief


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Experience Years:

21 years

Rana Riyad Ahmad

Pediatrics Gastroenterology

Consultant Physician

Rana Riyad Ahmad

Pediatrics Gastroenterology

Consultant Physician


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Experience Years:

22 years